Health and Safety

College Trips

For trips organised by the college, information will be sent to parents and parental consent must be given via Parentmail.

Students are asked to follow staff instructions and are held responsible for their own money and property. Parents are asked to provide information about any medical condition or treatment needed. Trips organised by the Student Council, or organised privately by individual students are run independently of the college and are not covered by college insurance.

First Aiders

During college hours, a team of first aiders is available in case of sickness or accident. If students have particular medical conditions (such as asthma or epilepsy) it would be helpful if they or their parents inform the college of their condition so that awareness exists and they can be given medical care and attention if necessary.

Wheelchair Access

Virtually every room in college has Wheelchair access. There are a number of disabled parking spaces available close to the college building. Should parents or students need extra help, please do not hesitate to contact us via Reception and special provision will be made.

Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol

As a college we share your concern as parents for the health and well-being of all our students. The college is totally opposed to drug abuse and any case of a student suspected of possessing, using, buying or selling drugs will be investigated immediately and the student may face expulsion and referral to the police.

Students are reminded that alcohol is also a drug, and that they are not allowed to bring alcohol on college premises, or allowed into public houses during college hours. Students breaking this ban may face suspension.

Smoking and vaping is banned on college premises.

Advice and guidance is always available to students facing personal issues. Students should speak to Personal Achievement Tutors in the first instance or alternatively if they don’t want to disclose sensitive information they will provided with contact numbers for support agencies outside of college.

Student Property

Students who bring possessions to college do so entirely at their own risk. The college is not insured for losses or damage. Money and small valuables that students have good reason for bringing into college can be given to the Finance Office for safekeeping.

For further details of the College’s Health & Safety policy, please view the document below.

Carmel College Health and Safety Policy

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

We are completely committed to the principles set out in our Equality and Diversity Policy. As a Catholic College for the Community we believe that every individual is important and has the right to be valued, treated with respect and to achieve their full potential.

This commitment applies to all members of the College Community and beyond: Students, Staff, Governors, Visitors and all those we come into contact with. It underpins everything we do and informs our approach to student support systems, teaching, learning and assessment and to our staffing and recruitment policies. In particular, we strive to create an environment which is inclusive and welcoming and which is free from all forms of discrimination. We take positive action wherever we can by promoting the values of inclusivity and mutual respect and by standing firm in the face of discrimination, harassment or bullying.

The Board of Governors and the Senior Management Team all acknowledge their responsibility for the active promotion of Equality and Diversity, in particular the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010. The Single Equality Scheme sets out the College approach and commitment to Equality and Diversity.

Leaders and managers create a culture of equality and diversity across the college in which staff and students celebrate difference. Students flourish in this inclusive environment as confident and mature individuals.”
Ofsted 2019

Leaders and managers foster a culture across the college that is compassionate and accepting of difference and one in which students are encouraged to express their own ideas. The high levels of respect and tolerance that students show towards each other, staff and visitors are exemplary.”
Ofsted 2019

Our Equality & Diversity Committee

Our E&D Committee is made up of representatives from the Senior Management Team, teaching staff, support staff, students and the Governing Body. The group meets twice every half term to not only discuss E&D issues that may be affecting the college but also to find ways to promote E&D throughout the college. Recent achievements include:

  • All staff have received training on Everyday Sexism and Unconscious Bias
  • Completed an equality impact assessment relating to STEM subjects at Carmel
  • All students have received E&D training in their Ethics & Values lessons
  • An E&D Calendar has been created and uploaded to Connect, our intranet site
  • All staff have been briefed with regards to LGBT issues

Further Information

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Equality and Diversity in the UK

Equally Ours E&D Forum


Attendance and Absence

Monitoring Attendance & Punctuality

Regular attendance and good punctuality are essential if students are to attain their full potential.

Personal Achievement Tutors and Subject Tutors keep daily registers and all absences are recorded. Parents will be contacted if tutors feel there is a cause for concern. A text message will be sent to parents/guardians by 5.30 pm to notify them of any absences from classes.

Reporting Sickness Absences to Reception.

Sickness should be reported to the college each day, please can you let us know by contacting us on 01744 452200, selecting option 1 and then option 2 to report a student sickness.

For sickness absences of more than 1 week, students are required to provide their Personal Achievement Tutor with a medical certificate. This period of time will be recorded as unauthorised.

Reporting Authorised Absences to Personal Achievement Tutor.

The college will authorise absence for college-related activities such as trips, fieldwork, work experience, study leave and examinations.

A limited number of other types of absence are also classified as authorised,  including university open days, hospital/orthodontist appointments, driving/theory tests, funerals, and religious holidays. Students need to provide evidence where applicable and see their Personal Achievement Tutor.

Routine medical and dental check-ups or driving lessons will not be authorised. Dental and Medical checkups are to be arranged outside of college where possible. Students may use a free period if this is not possible.


Holidays in term time will be recorded as unauthorised; such absences are not approved by the college. Please advise your Personal Achievement Tutor if you will be on holiday in term time.

Term Dates


Carmel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people within the ethos and context of its mission. We fully recognise the contribution the College can make to protect and support students.

At Carmel College every student matters. Parents and carers should be aware that the College will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety and well-being of its students. If you are worried about a student you can contact the Pastoral Support Team.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and believe we encourage a culture of mutual respect within the College. Students are provided with information on safeguarding as part of their tutor sessions in terms of raising awareness and who to report any concerns to.

For further details of the College’s Safeguarding policy, please view the document below.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (From 1st Sept 2024)
Low Level Concerns Policy (From 1st Sept 2024)

Privacy Notices

Carmel College collects and processes personal data to provide Further and Higher Education courses. We are committed to transparency in how we collect and use this data, ensuring full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These Privacy Notices outline our processing practices for the personal data of applicants, students, staff, governors, and volunteers

Privacy Notice for Applicants

Privacy Notice for Students

Privacy Notice for Staff

Privacy Notice for Governors

Privacy Notice for Volunteers

SEND Local Offer

In accordance with the Children and Families Act, we are required to publish and review information about the services that are available for children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities). This is known as “The Local Offer”.

The purpose of the Local Offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. The offer includes provision from birth to 25, across education and health and social care. It is developed in conjunction with children and young people, parents and carers, and local services including schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.

Download Carmel’s Local Offer Documents – 


Pathways to Adulthood Foundation Learning Department

Links to further information

St Helens Local Offer

Knowsley Local Offer

Liverpool Local Offer

Halton Local Offer

Wigan Local Offer

Warrington Local Offer

Contacts at Carmel:

Clare Dawson, Head of Additional Support/SENCO – 01744 452273 /

Caroline Oates, Head of Foundation Learning – 01744 452249 /


Other College Policies