Parent Portal
CEDAR, the college intranet site, allows you to log in via the Parent Portal. This is where you can access information such as attendance, student timetable, student notes, student subject reviews and exam information.
Our Parents' Guide explains how your young person will be supported during their time at Carmel as well as the many different opportunities available to them. It will also hopefully answer any queries you have including information about transport, bursaries, attendance etc.
DownloadCEDAR, the college intranet site, allows you to log in via the Parent Portal. This is where you can access information such as attendance, student timetable, student notes, student subject reviews and exam information.
Parentmail is a simple online payment service that parents can use to pay for trips, visits and exam resits.
Parent Welcome Evening will be held on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 for parents/guardians of September 2024 applicants. You will find out about how we will guide and support your child during their two years with us. For more information contact admissions@carmel.ac.uk if you have any queries.