Upper Sixth student, Kasia Gierek, enjoyed a week long Work Experience placement at glass manufacturers, Pyroguard.

Currently studying Chemistry, Maths and Biology, Kasia’s Work Experience helped her gain the skills required to further a Chemistry based career. This is something she would like to do after her experience at Pyroguard.

Kasia faced a number of challenges working in the lab however she thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. Kasia says, “I was asked to present what I had found during my research. I feel that even though I was outside my comfort zone, I have come away from my placement with increased confidence.”

She also said, “Although I most enjoyed working in the laboratory, I have realised that a degree in chemistry would not limit me to this. As well as learning new scientific skills, I have gained an understanding of what it is like to work within a professional environment and the responsibilities that come with it.”

Kasia’s placement has made her realise that there are many different career paths within this industry and the staff were very helpful and informative.

Well done Kasia! Thank you to the staff at Pyroguard and our Work Experience Co-ordinator, Vikki, for providing these amazing opportunities for our students.

For more information about Work Experience at Carmel, check out our website-

Work Experience Page