As the start of college is quickly approaching for our new Lower Sixth students, here are a couple of reminders for parents/guardians:
You should now have received an email from Parentmail asking you to register. Please follow the guidance on the email to register as soon as possible to set up your account. Parentmail is the secure online processing and transaction software we use to accept payments throughout the two years of study here at Carmel College. If you have trouble registering your account please contact us to resolve any issues that may arise. PLEASE NOTE: If you are already registered with Parentmail from a previous school, you will not have received a registration email. Instead, you will need to log into your Parentmail account and check your ‘Connections’ to access messages from Carmel College.
You can now purchase your travel pass via Parentmail for the academic year 18-19 (except for Merseytravel). Please ensure you choose the correct transport option for your journey. Payment must be made via Parentmail – we do not accept cash payments. Bus passes can be collected in advance or within the first few days of the start of term from Student Services at our main Reception.
For further information contact us on 01744 452200 and ask for a member of Student Services to assist with your query, or alternatively email –