We are incredibly proud to announce that twelve students from Carmel College have received offers to study at Oxbridge in September 2025!

The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge are the two most prestigious, highest ranking universities in England. With top entry requirements, a lengthy application process and challenging interview questions, Oxbridge places are notoriously difficult to secure. The offers are a huge achievement and testament to the hard work of our students, and the high quality support available at Carmel.

Oxford Offers

Lydia Baldwin (St Gregory’s Catholic High School) – Geography at Mansfield College
am Hale (St Augustine of Canterbury) – Biochemistry at St Catherine’s College
Dion Josh ( St Gregory’s Catholic High School) – Chemistry at St John’s College
Vyara Mihova (Ormiston Chadwick Academy) – Law at Worcester College
Karolina Szpilko (St Augustine of Canterbury) – Biology at Hertford College

Karolina Szpilko said: “I couldn’t have done it without all the support I received. I am indebted to my friends, family and most importantly my tutors who have encouraged me throughout my time in college as well as the application process. Whether it be in lessons, tutorials, ‘PAT’ sessions or careers guidance, the staff at Carmel have made it clear that help is always available – whatever the need or concern may be.”

Cambridge Offers

Kendi Blackstock (St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School) – Architecture at Selwyn College
Brophy (The Blue Coat School) – English at Murray Edwards College
Oliver Buckley (St Francis Xavier’s College) – Law at Gonville and Caius College
Cerys Burch (Christian Fellowship School) – English Literature at Murray Edwards College
Abi Mannion (The Prescot School) – Geography at Jesus College
Marco Montemurro (Rainhill High School) – Maths at Clare College
Salome Nkemachor (The Bluecoat School) – Veterinary Medicine at Gonville and Caius College

Salome Nkemachor commented: “Everyone at Carmel has been so supportive and has believed in me, so I’m grateful for everybody’s encouragement. I think that also means I’m the only one surprised I got the offer!”

Kendi Blackstcok said: “All my subject tutors have pushed me to do the best I can, get the best grades possible and much more. College has given me many opportunities outside of the curriculum to expand my experience and knowledge. As well as this I was given extensive interview prep, lots of help with my portfolio, and advice for my admissions assessment. When I found out I got an offer, immediately I jumped in joy, and was in disbelief for the entire day.”

Marco Montemurro thanked his amazing teachers saying: “I could not have got this far without my top-tier Maths teachers, Phil and Steven, who I owe most of my success to, so shout out to them. Also, Khilan’s interview practice sessions were beyond helpful – they emulated the real thing very well and were crucial in helping me prepare for the style of questions I’d be given, so thanks Khilan.”

This success is supported by our High Achievers+ Programme which is designed to challenge and develop gifted and highly motivated students, preparing them for top universities and future career opportunities. High Achiever students follow a tailored programme, including the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), specialist tutor groups, and one-to-one support for Oxbridge, Russell Group, and Sutton 30 applications. They also develop higher level skills through the Super Curriculum to strengthen their university and career prospects. The High Acheivers+ Programme is going from strength to strength, providing students with the best possible opportunities.

Head of the HA+ Programme, Dan Saunders said: “The HA+ team are all really proud of the success of our students who will be progressing onto Oxbridge. This is the result of months of hard work and practice with the guidance of our fantastic HA+ Co-ordinators and subject staff. Congratulations!”

Well done to all of our students holding offers and thank you to everyone who has supported them in this fantastic achievement

Visit the High Achievers+ Programme web page to find out more about the support and opportunities available at Carmel College.

View our Oxbridge Offers Video

Back Row L-R: Dion Josh, Oliver Buckley, Marco Montemurro
Middle Row L-R: Lydia Baldwin, Abi Mannion, Vyrara Mihova, Grace Brophy
Front Row L-R: Salome Nkemachor, Karolina Szpilko, Cerys Burch, Kendi Blackstock