Studying at Carmel has brought me a sense of freedom and independence that I have really enjoyed. I enjoy the freedom to choose when to study in the library and socialise in the communal areas. I have many lots of new people from different schools and have formed some really strong friendship groups. I have particularly enjoyed studying Economics because it has taught me about terms and phrases I heard of but never understood. For example, interest rates, economic growth, chancellor of the exchequer and inflation. There are lots of other examples of real-world scenarios we have linked theory to which makes in the subject very interesting. I would recommend it to others who are interested in the world around them and understanding political and economic decisions that impact them. I have been impressed with the support from all my teachers and PAT. They are extremely friendly and offer lots of support and advice. Speaking to the career’s advisor helped me explore possible routes I can take after my A-levels. Both a degree apprenticeship and university are possible plans at the minute.