Entry requirements

You will need at least 5 GCSE’s at grade 4 or above, one of which being a grade 4 in GCSE English Language.

Exam Board Specification

What you will study

  • Changing awareness of crime – study various types of crime, how crime is portrayed in the media, and how campaigns have led to changes in the law
  • Criminological theories – learn about various criminological theories into why people commit crime
  • Crime scene to courtroom – find out what happens once a crime is detected, how a scene is analysed, and the trial process that leads to a verdict
  • Crime scene and punishment – learn how different organisations work to prevent and protect
students in Crime scene suits


A combination of external exams (worth 50%) and controlled assessments (worth 50%) which are spread out evenly over the two-year course.

Course Support

  • Friendly, approachable tutors
  • Regular tutorials
  • Careers links to help with your next steps

Enrichment Activities

  • Trips and visits to enhance learning
  • Talks from guest speakers


There are many progression routes for which a qualification in Criminology would be useful due to the skills you will develop. Lots of our students go on to University, whilst others gain an apprenticeship or begin employment.

Career Opportunities

There are many progression routes for which a qualification in Criminology would be useful due to the skills you will develop. Specific career paths include Police Officer, Prison Officer, Probation Officer, Social Worker, Youth Worker and many more.

A fingerprint kit as used by the Police for the Criminology course.

Entry requirements

You will need at least 5 GCSE’s at grade 4 or above, one of which being a grade 4 in GCSE English Language.

Exam Board Specification