Our Upper Sixth Drama students attended a workshop run by cast members of the current touring production of ‘Rita, Sue and Bob Too’. Out of Joint Theatre Company are presenting this classic yet challenging play by Andrea Dunbar. Set in the early 80s, it tells of the class ridden, Thatcherite Britain, where the only escape from worries of money, relationships and future, is sex, alcohol and abuse. All be it built on comedy the play still resonates in today’s society and left our students with some food for thought, sights for sore eyes and some epic 80s pop tunes!

Rita (played by Taj Atwal) and Sue (Gemma Dobson) provided our A level Drama students with an insightful look into the lives of the characters as well as helping shape the students thoughts when playing a naturalistic role. Students have to respond to a Live Production in one of their exams and this was the perfect opportunity to really get to know the work in an explorative way.
Thank you to Out of Joint and The Liverpool Playhouse for accommodating us and the cast for their support.